A Coffee Resolution to Make Your 2023 Better

The start of a new year is the perfect time for coffee resolutions. Whether you’re an avid coffee lover or just starting out, it’s a great opportunity to explore new products and experiences, and make sure your 2023 is filled with all the best coffee moments. Our hope is to continue engaging our customers to help you have a better coffee experience, and we believe that these simple resolutions can do just that. Here are a few ways you can upgrade your 2023 coffee routine.

Making Your Own Coffee At Home

Start off the New Year by getting creative in the kitchen! Learning how to brew your own coffee at home is not only fun but also cost-effective. There are many different brewing methods available, from French press to pour over and espresso, so try out a few and find the one that works best for you and your palette. Plus, if you don’t have any special tools on hand, there are plenty of recipes online that use everyday items like mugs and strainers!

Explore Different Roasts & Origins

The world of specialty coffee has grown exponentially in recent years. With so many options available, it can be hard to know where to start. One way to narrow down your choices is by exploring different roasts and origins. Coffees from certain regions often share similarities in taste due to their unique climate conditions or soil types. Our coffee subscription options are a great way to have fun with variety!

Find New Ways To Enjoy The Moment

Coffee should be something you enjoy—not something you feel obligated or rushed into. So why not slow down this year and find new ways to savor each cup? Whether it’s attending an online tasting event with friends or simply lingering over a second cup while reading your favorite book, try setting aside some time each day (or week) just for yourself and your favorite brews. It might not seem like much at first, but it will quickly become one of your most treasured routines!

We hope these simple resolutions help make 2023 a great year for both experienced fans of specialty coffee as well as newcomers alike! If you're looking for more inspiration on how to make every sip count this year, check out our brewing tips for each coffee in our Online Shop, or reach out if you have any questions on brewing or coffee equipment! Cheers! Here's wishing everyone a happy new year full of amazing cups of coffee!

Amanda Adkins